Educational fun for Aussie kids!

Our goal is to help you, Australian parents, homeschoolers and educators find and select high quality, education-philosophy based toys, games and resources for your pre-schoolers educational and developmental needs. Thoughtfully selected by Early Childhood Professionals for educational value, durability and diversity of use in play spaces to keep 3-6yr olds interested and entertained. They won't even know they're learning!

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Practising Fine Motor Skills

Construction & Building

The skill involved in building things proves that there is more benefit... 

  • Maths in Early Education

    Why is numeracy important in early childhood? A child's first years are a time of rapid learning and development. Babies and toddlers can recognise number, patterns, and shapes. They use maths concepts to make sense of their world and connect these concepts with their environment and everyday activities.

  • Story Telling Is Important

    This is why...

    Reading and storytelling with your children promotes brain development and imagination, develops language and emotional intelligence, and strengthens relationships.

    One 2019 study estimated that children who are regularly read to in the 5 years leading up to kindergarten are exposed to 1.4 million more words than children who aren’t read to during those years.

  • The Building Blocks Of A Solid Education

    There have been studies done that support a more interactive, holistic way to learning, including learning through purposeful play. It has been found that learning through play supports the development of early literacy and numeracy skills in an integrated approach, while also cultivating children’s social, emotional, physical, and creative skills.

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